I firmly believe in the value of hard work. More than just a paycheck, a good job can provide a sense of purpose, a place in a community, and the resources to build a life. I also believe that those who work hard deserve fair wages, safe work environments, and the respect and dignity that come with a good job. As your representative, I am committed to making Colorado a state where everyone can succeed.

I have dedicated my time in the legislature to advocating for workers' rights, improving job quality, and creating opportunities for all Coloradans. Our workforce is the engine that drives our state's prosperity, and it is our responsibility to ensure that engine runs smoothly and fairly. While we have made significant strides, there is still much work to be done.

Ensuring Safe Work Environments

No one should have to risk their health or safety to earn a living. I am dedicated to making sure all workplaces in Colorado are safe, supportive, and free of discrimination. This involves championing legislation that enforces strict workplace safety regulations, promotes health and well-being, and provides adequate protective measures for employees in all sectors. I also believe in taking strong action against workplace discrimination, harassment, and bullying.

Expanding Job Opportunities

To support a thriving and diverse economy, we need to create new jobs across a wide range of industries and ensure that all Coloradans have the skills to excel in them. I'm advocating for significant investment in education and job training programs, specifically in sectors poised for growth like clean energy, technology, and healthcare. This not only involves supporting local educational institutions, but also promoting partnerships between schools, businesses, and nonprofits to provide hands-on training and apprenticeship opportunities. Furthermore, I'm dedicated to fostering an environment of innovation and entrepreneurship in our state by providing resources and support for small businesses and startups.

Securing a Fair, Living Wage

No one working full-time should live in poverty. Yet, for too many Coloradans, this is the reality. I am deeply committed to fighting for a fair, living wage for all workers. This means advocating for wage policies that reflect the true cost of living in our state and indexing the minimum wage to inflation to ensure it keeps pace with the cost of living. It also means closing the gender wage gap and ensuring equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity.

Supporting Family-Friendly Policies

Workers should never have to choose between their jobs and their families. That's why I am working to implement family-friendly policies that support working parents and caregivers. This includes advocating for paid family and medical leave, pushing for flexible work hours, and working to expand affordable child care options. Such policies are not only beneficial for workers and their families, they're good for businesses too, leading to higher productivity, improved employee morale, and lower turnover rates.

Our work is far from over. Together, we can build an economy that works for all Coloradans, where everyone has an opportunity to succeed.